BUGGY Pulls Out Stuck In The Snow FORD MEGA TRUCK!

It has been one warm summer so far, and it is going to be even warmer. People are trying various ways to cool themselves down, but none of them is as effective as watching videos featuring snow! Just kidding, it`s just a placebo effect. Anyhow, let`s discuss what`s on today`s menu. We are positive that you have heard the saying “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. And that`s right the situation we have here. A young female driver got stuck in the snow and she was lucky that there was a man kind enough to help her out. Please, do not rush with the comments, it can happen to anyone. Furthermore, be prepared to face the power of the Buggy! Because, with all the other vehicles there, only the Buggy was powerful enough to pull out the stuck Ford Mega truck.

And it did a superb job! Slowly but surely it took care of the situation. However, that wouldn`t have been possible without the help of the stuck driver herself. Nevertheless, no matter how big you are in size, you will need a little help from a smaller friend. In addition, the video was recorded from Mike Harrison’s Snow Bog.

Still wondering how to pull a truck from mud or snow?! Follow this link to learn 4 methods!