Auto Mechanics Caught Taking Customer’s Car For A Spin!

After watching the following you will think twice before leaving your car at auto mechanics. Though we all assume when we leave our car there the auto mechanics take a good care of it, but this man was shocked when he found out what had had happened with his car. Namely, he left his car at the mechanics for a suspension check but just four hours later he noticed his car with two people inside at a drive-through. At first he could not believe his eyes that the car was actually his own Nissan 350Z.

The 24-year-old works as a shift manager at Taco Bell in Moreno Valley and works two jobs to pay for his Nissan. When he confronted them, they did not know what to say. They were simply shocked as they got caught red handed. He called the dealership right away and they offered him 20% off of any services. That was not enough so they paid him 3,000$ worth of parts and labor, but even this was not enough hence he said he was still not happy. The two auto mechanics have been terminated after the incident. What do you think, can we trust the people whom we leave our car for a repair?

Here is a guide on how to find a good auto mechanic.