This Could Easily Be The Most Unusual Passenger In A Car!

Coming across funny and interesting videos on social media these days is something fairly common; hence people share their unusual situation on a daily basis. However, some of these videos offer us more fun than the other. Hereby, if you are looking for one of those, you are most certainly on the place you are supposed to be. Namely, we present you what might easily be the most unusual passenger that you have ever seen to be sitting in a car. Yes, this short video was just recently shared and it features a classic car, an elderly man and a hairy dog.

This Could Easily Be The Most Unusual Passenger In A Car 1

So, you must be wondering how these three things can come together into one short video. Well, if you want to know the answer, stick around and you will see. These guys must have noticed it before; hence they took out their phones and began filming the car in front of them, while at the same time laughing. To make the video even better, the car upfront was none other than a blue British classic, something you do not get the chance to see each day on the streets.

Once they came next to him, the unusual passenger in the car was actually the fluffy and hairy dog, who was also fastened up with the seat belt, and it looked absolutely hilarious. The guys inside the car had a great laugh, as well as everybody there.

What do you think, is the dog really the most unusual passenger ever?

The Only Car Passenger You Need

'Spotted on my way to work this morning'… Wait for it 😂😂🐶

Posted by UNILAD on Thursday, November 23, 2017