NEMO CAR from “The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen” Auctioned!

Not long ago, we dedicated one article to the best movie cars of all time! The reasons were, of course, the great memories that each of them provokes and the remarkable scenes that couldn`t be done without them. However ( I don`t know how) we missed one legendary model that had the main role in the 2003 contemporary adventure-fantasy “The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen”! Apart from Sean Connery, who appears as the main character Allan Quatermain, in the movie we have the opportunity to see the appearance of one magnificent 6-wheeled beauty– the practical The NEMO car!

Today, we have a reason plus to do a special tribute to this Rover V8 engine Nemo car with a bespoke fiberglass shell. Reportedly, one of just two examples ever made will go on auction on July 11th! Isn`t that amazing?! It is expected that the Nautilus legend will be sold for more than $28,000! By the way, this particular unit was heavily used in the movie and afterwards left in peace, while the other one was finished with scaffolding to help the close-ups of the “League”. So, I invite you now, to see the indescribable beauty of this unique car in the video below. Have a close look up at the interior and the original Land Rover dials, because who knows, maybe you are the next owner!

At last, follow this link if you want to read the future plans for this story based in an alternate Victorian Age world.