The New Chinese Bus Concept Had Its First Test Drive! See How It Looks Like To Ride Above Car Traffic!

As we all know, technology has been improving worldwide at a rapid pace. Every day we witness something new, something that is made to make our lives easier. The video we have for you guys today will show you one of those innovations in action! It is a new Chinese bus concept that was unveiled back in 2010. However, this futuristic bus had its first test drive a few days ago in Qinhuangdao, and we are sharing a video of it! This bus, known in China as TEB-1, is elevated, and it will allow vehicles to pass underneath it! This way, the common problem of buses causing traffic will be taken care of!

Furthermore, it is much bigger than a regular bus. According to the chief engineer of TEB, a TEB-1 bus that has four cars is 177 feet long, 15 feet high and 25 feet wide! Those are impressive dimensions for a bus we must admit. As for the passengers, a four-car TEB-1 can hold up to 1,400 passengers, way more than a traditional bus. The inside of the bus is shown to have a small number of seats and a large number of polls for the passengers to use. Overall, this new Chinese bus concept is truly remarkable! However, it is still in its testing phase. What do you think about this idea?

Finally, click here to see the hotel room of the future that follows you wherever you go. Weird right?!