Never Ever Try Out These Truck Mods!

It is always great to see compilation of really useful and fun modifications you can do to your vehicle, but this compilation is fairly different as we take a look at 6 truck mods you should never do to your truck. The world of trucks is now filled with some brilliant and awesome mods, so our recommendation is never to do any of the following. We kick off our list with the truck nuts. You have probably seen a truck rolling down the road and there are nuts attached to the back. Some say that they were designed so that other drivers can see how low the truck is, this has never been confirmed.

Never Ever Try Out These Truck Mods 2

Never the less, this is a simple mod you should definitely avoid. Then we move on to a different one. Have you ever heard about tailgate nets? We are sure you have as many people believe that tailgate nets are used to improve the fuel efficiency of your truck due to the lower air resistance the truck is going to have without the tailgate. Though at times they might be useful, we surely do not recommend them. The truck mods compilation you should avoid continues with the huge lift kits truck owners tend to install in their vehicles.

Not only are they not necessary unless you daily drive your truck on steep and rocky hills, they also higher the center of gravity meaning that you truck is much more unsafe. Check out the full video below for more awful truck mods!