There are many people in this beautiful world of ours who own a vehicle. However, not every one of them is a real car enthusiast. Or should we say – a Gearhead. Most people use their vehicle only to go to work, to the grocery store etc. They are the ones who keep their car stock all the time. What they change to have a so called Tallest MOnster Truck are the tires and the radio (if it breaks). But that`s just their way of life and we mean nothing offensive with the aforesaid. Though we keep our thumbs up who are at least trying to learn something.

On the other hand we have the real car enthusiasts who literally breathe for the 4-wheeled pet sitting in the garage. They would do anything to make their vehicle look, sound, and perform better as well as to be divergent than the others! For instance, take a look at this Ford truck! It is so tall that the car next to it can fit beneath this truck without a problem! His owner created him to be able to stand out of the crowd! Just listen to the reaction of the guy recording the video. Although we are pretty sure that you have seen truck even bigger than this. For instance, click here to take a look at the High Altitude truck. According to the Guinness` Book of Records, this one is the tallest monster truck ever built!