Cold Engine Noise Is Due To OIL WEIGHT!

Now you can make your car run better in winter with simple oil change! The winter is a tough period for any car hence the vehicle struggles to operate in the same way as it would normally do. But this is a difficult task and quite often you could hear a rumbling noise that your engine makes when you first start it up on a cold day. The engine can also choke at times, but no worries hence we are taking a look at the simple solution you could do in order to prevent this. All you need to do is a simple oil change because the cold engine noise is due to OIL WEIGHT.

Cold Engine Noise Is Due To OIL WEIGHT 2

First of all let us see through the differences between certain engine oils and how they affect your car explained by this man. All you need to do is to know what the numbers on the oil container mean. After a quick recap, we are ready to begin. You simply must avoid having thick oil in your engine while it is cold outside. But why, why we should avoid doing this?

Well, on a cold winter day, when the car is first started up, the strange noise of a choking engine is caused by the fact that the engine actually struggles to suck in that thick oil that might have even frozen up. Hereby, making a simple oil change to your car before the winter begins and putting in less thick oil will result in a better operation of your engine so you will not have to worry anymore about that strange sound.

What do you think about this video about the oil weight?