What To Do When You’ve Lost Your Car Keys And Have No Spare

Small objects sometimes get lost, and car keys are no exception. Not surprisingly, they`re one of the top five most misplaced items next to phones and wallets. Losing your keys is inevitable and can happen to anyone unless they keep them in their pockets 24/7.  A lost car key can lead to several problems, especially if you`re running late. It`s just as bad if you don`t have a spare. So, to avoid wasting precious time and getting into panic mode, take a look at these tips if you lost your car keys and don`t have any extras on hand:

  1. Call A Locksmith

Calling for help is what some people often do first when they lose something. When your keys get lost, it`s best to call a locksmith for assistance. It`s time-consuming waiting for professional help to arrive and unlock your car. However, it assures you that you won`t need to break your windows to get inside. 

At times like these, it`s best not to panic and to stay alert. There are locksmith scams out there preying on people who are in a hurry. Unfortunately, some of the locksmith ads you find online are frauds. But only a select few, like asaplocknkeys.com, provide quality, trustworthy 24-hour service. 

Here`s how to spot a fake locksmith: 

  • The service cost is low in the ad, but the company charges you more after unlocking your car and only accepts cash payments. 
  • The company has many negative reviews and complaints from past clients. 
  • The locksmith drills into your car lock or replaces it without your permission. 
  • The business has no license to operate. 

Keeping these points in mind is vital since dealing with a con artist abusing your plight to get money is dangerous. A professional locksmith knows the proper way to unlock any door. Meanwhile, after you get help from a reputable service, consider asking the locksmith how to get new car keys, too, in case your original keys are gone.

  1. Look Around

There`s always hope in any bad situation. It`s possible the keys are nearby, and all you have to do is to check the area. So, try to stay calm and retrace your steps. You may have lost it while rummaging through your bag or misplaced it somewhere.  

To avoid this situation, you should take some time out of your day to get a spare key. On the other hand, if you can`t find your key even after searching the area, it`s time to take the next step.

  1. Look Inside Your Car

If you can`t find your keys outside, they`re likely inside your car. Many people suffer from forgetfulness. Hence, it`s no surprise that most lost car keys are found still stuck in the ignition. If yours isn`t there, check the seats and under them. You might have also put it in the glove compartment.  

It`s a little easier to search for a lost car key inside your car if you`re inside, too. However, when you realize you`ve locked yourself out of the car despite having left the car keys inside, that`s when things get very frustrating. 

Hence, some clever folks have made ways to unlock cars without keys. Take note that some methods may require you to tamper with your vehicle, so only do them if you`re desperate. When you still can`t find your keys, it`s probably time to move on to your next option.

  1. Talk To Your Car Dealer

Don`t feel too bad when you lose your car keys indefinitely. Your local car dealer would be happy to help you. Significantly, you must know what type of key you`re using so the dealer or locksmith knows what to do. 

If you`re unaware, these are the common types of car keys: 

  • Traditional 

These keys are made of brass or nickel-brass. They`re often used for older vehicles and house doors. You insert the key through the ignition cylinder, twist it, and the car starts.  

  • Transponder 

Transponder keys are similar to traditional keys except for their heads. The key`s head has a chip and buttons that lock and unlock your doors. It can also control your car`s truck and set off your car alarm from a distance. 

  • Car Key Fob 

There are two kinds of fobs: ones with a switchblade key and ones without it. The fob only locks and unlocks the door. So, even if you lose it, you can still use the original key to start your car. However, if you lose the switchblade key type, you won`t have anything for the door lock and the car`s ignition. 

  • Smart Key 

Current car models now use smart keys. They`re also known as `keyless ignition` keys. You don`t need to insert a device into a lock since a button does all the work.  

If you lose your car key, especially if it`s a smart key, you`ll need to have your vehicle towed to the dealership. When this happens, contact your insurance company so they can cover the expenses. If you don`t have car insurance yet, consider getting one. This will be helpful in case you become a victim of auto theft.


Losing your car keys isn`t the end of the world. With a clear mind, you can use one of several methods to start or unlock your car. But before that happens, you should try getting a spare, investing in a lanyard, or downloading a key tracker. That way, you`ll always have your car keys within your reach.