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Two Adventurous Grannies Go Grocery Shopping In A Black Lamborghini Murcielago! Audrey & Peggy Will Make Your Day!

Two Grannies In A Black Lambo 1 play

The video we have for you guys today is something you have probably never seen! How often do you see two elderly ladies driving around in a black Lambo??? The answer is probably not often! If you thought even for a second that senior citizens can`t drive sport cars, you are very wrong!

This video will change your view on elder ladies driving a 650 horsepower automobile! The stars of this lovely video are Audrey and Peggy, two elderly women who got the keys of a black Lamborghini Murcielago! It is quite interesting to see a sport car driven by women of their age! It is no wonder this video has went viral. The video showcases Audrey and Peggy driving the black Lambo to the supermarket. They seem to have a lot of fun on their way there, and we completely understand them! Who wouldn`t want to drive a black Lamborghini Murcielago, even just for one day?

Lot of people were genuinely surprised after seeing Peggy driving the black Lambo. Most Lamborghinis are driven by younger people, so we completely understand the reaction of the random pedestrians. At the very least, we can applaud Peggy for driving slowly and carefully. However, she did struggle with parking and going in reverse, but nonetheless, she did a marvelous job. Audrey on the other hand, spent the time singing and waving to the people.

It is safe to say that these two grannies had an amazing day! This is why we had to share this viral video with you! The happiness of Audrey and Peggy is overwhelming and it will definitely make you smile! The end is also very interesting, but if you want to find out what happens then, make sure you press that play button and enjoy the video!

Finally, check this video showing you completely the opposite -- 5 and 6-year-old boys operating a CAT excavator!