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Take A Look At This DODGE Truck Parody! CHEVY Is Getting Roasted!

DODGE Truck Parody CHEVY 3

Every time you find yourself in a male company, you always have to expect some car rivalry chats to open up! In our case, most of the time Chevy or Ford are the ones that gets roasted by all the other guys! It only depends which side everyone going to take! We do not know which one is your favorite, Ford, Chevy, Dodge… Maybe you are not even into trucks, maybe you like sports cars more, or bikes. However, we suppose you have seen a video that went pretty `underground` viral and was named FORD PARODY! Well, the videos are being shot by a guy whose video channel is called Luckless Matt, and this time he decided to response to a kid that made fun of his video! This time, he made a video he named DODGE TRUCK PARODY, where the Chevy is the one being roasted to the bone!

It starts off pretty simple with couple of old jokes and then it turns into something hilarious that made us roll on the floor! We do not want to spoil anything for you so click on the video below and prepare to roll over! However, are you ready for the DODGE Truck Parody?

Finally, click here to see Ford Fans’ response to all Amiri King parodies on their brand!