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Water CUTS METAL And It Looks Amazing! The POWER Of The Indispensable Life Ingredient – WATER!

The POWER Of The Indispensable Life Ingredient – WATER cuts metal Check Out How IT CUTS THROUGH METAL 423

Have you ever wondered how machines that make other machines are made? Frankly, we have and we believe that it all leads to the point where all began, the industrial revolution. Since then, the world has changed a great deal and still continues evolving. As a matter of fact, we cannot imagine a day without a cell phone, not to mention some other (essential) piece of technology we can`t live without. Despite the advanced technology we have at our disposal nowadays, sometimes it turns out to be better if we go back to basics. And the basics here that we are talking about are actually an extreme innovation that makes water cut metal! The best invention when it comes to cutting technologies! An innovation called Waterjet! The machine that will show you how water cuts metal!

This video presents a mélange of cutting edge technology and the ingredient nothing can live without. It has an extremely high pressure nozzle that uses water to cut through metal. It sounds amazing just by reading that water cuts metal, but wait until you see this metal cutting process. Almost beyond belief. You will be amazed at how water is used to cut metal with this creation! Waterjet is not used only to cut through metal of course. As this machine makes water cuts metal it can also be used for many other materials. From soft materials like foams, sponges, gels and much firmer materials such as brass, carbon steel and cooper. It can cut them all with great ease.Sadly, we do not possess any information regarding the PSI behind this high pressure nozzle, but we could guess that it is an insanely large number since it cuts through this several centimeters thick metal sheet. Do you maybe know the answer?

Finally, click here to see the engine that uses only water and bacteria to power small devices. Great job!