Snap On vs Harbor Freight Impact Wrenches!

Whenever we are in the search of a brand new power tool that is going to worth every dollar that we pay for, we all like to go through each and e very review to make sure that we buy the perfect product. However, people often say that purchasing the most expensive model between them is the most logical thing, however, in this video we take a look at the answer and see is it really so. Hereby, we take a look at two different pneumatic impact wrenches, the Snap-on MG725 and the Earthquake XT.

Snap On vs Harbor Freight Impact Wrenches 11

The guy puts these two tools side by side and demonstrates to us all of the answers that we are going to ever need. First of all we need to take a look at the differences in design, the weight, the material that they were made from and their dimensions. After going through each and every peculiar detail, it was time to put them to the test.

They are going to be tested based on couple of different criteria and on the blackboard the guy writes down every detail you need to know. Even though the results are somewhat the same, there is a slight different between the Earthquake XT and the Snap-on MG725. Hereby, if you are really interested into getting one of these power tools for yourself and you want to know all the answers about them, make sure to take a look at the full video below!

What do you think about these impact wrenches?