Organic Waste Shredder! Shreds A Watermelon & Other Veggies In A Very Satisfying Way!

In this educational video, you are about to see a variety of vegetables like potatoes, onions, cucumbers and a huge watermelon getting shred to tiny little pieces. Now, we are a website focused on muscle cars, high speed and everything automotive. However, we are also into cool experiments and couldn`t resist to share this with you guys. Having a vegetable shredder is a must for every household. We doubt many of you have ever put a big juicy watermelon in it though. Having said that, not everyone has an organic waste shredder laying around in their home. It`s mainly used for recycling organic materials.

So, for this purpose, the YouTube channel “Experiment at Home” that has almost half a million subscribers, decided to demonstrate what happens when you do that. Watching all of these vegetables getting shred, especially the watermelon, is very satisfying to watch. No vegetable is too strong for this powerful organic waste shredder. However, we wish he can show us how a pumpkin is getting shred in a machine like this as well. If you are into watching things getting shred, check this guy`s channel. He has many videos showing all kinds of things getting shred including Nokia phones. Watch the video below and feel free to comment!

Maybe you need a normal paper shredder? Check out this link!