NASA Invention! Airless Chainmail Tires For The Moon & Mars!

This new space tire invented by NASA has a brand new material that has the ability to deform all the way to the hub in order to spring back into shape. The wheel definitely doesn`t need reinventing on Earth. However, when it comes to space, it is a completely different story. NASA needs to produce a tire that is tough enough in order to endure immense use in extraterrestrial environments. Without such a tire, actually airless chainmail tires, we can forget colonizing Mars or any other planet for that matter. Having said this, to produce such a tire, NASA tuned to a material dating back millennia: Chainmail.

NASA Invents Space Tire With Magic Chainmail 2

Because the Curiosity`s aluminum wheels had constant puncture problems, NASA`s engineers needed literally to reinvent the wheel. We are talking about a space tire that has the ability to remember its original shape. Now, the new tire has a material which is an alloy that`s based on stoichiometric nickel-titanium. What`s special about this material is that it contains a very unique characteristic. This characteristic allows the tire to perform an atomic rearrangement in order to accommodate any deformation.

This alloy can deform thirty times more than steel mesh. According to sources, this concept could be used on NASA`s upcoming Mars rover that`s set for launch in 2020. However, even though this is considered a very important breakthrough in tires used for space, engineer Colin Creager stated that this can revolutionize tires that are used on earth as well. NASA also stated that these revolutionizing tires can endure higher speeds and heavier loads.

Finally, visit NASA`s official website for more info! What do you think about these airless chainmail tires?