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OFF THE HOOK: Guy Jumps Off 129 ft Building Into Newport Harbor, Barely Misses Dock!

Guy Jumps Off 129 ft Building Newport Harbor 21

There is courageous, and then there is dumb – and a very thin line exists between the two. If you have checked the parkour section on YouTube lately, you might have witnessed some pretty insane people. Their exhibitions are constantly moving to new heights and we mean this literally. This time, we have something equally courageous but very different. The guys who dabble in parkour are all about avoiding a fall. This guy, however, welcomes the fall with open arms. He takes the journey to the top of a 129-foot building and without any hesitation whatsoever, leaps from it. Moments before the guy jumps off the building, you`ll see the lovely dock below that will make you wonder about the limits of crazy.

This video is so freaking extreme that is almost difficult to watch how the guy jumps. The whole footage is filmed with a conveniently positioned GoPro camera. While falling, you can see that he is rapidly approaching the dock below. It will make you wonder whether he will get out alive from this foolishly bold feat. Fortunately, he barely missed the dock and it all ended with a huge splash in the water. If you are terribly scared of heights, this video alone will be a vast adrenaline fix for you. Clearly this guy is operated from fear and an enormous adrenaline junkie who likes to share his passion with us. Check out the video below and tell us if you condone such insane action.

At last, click here to visit the most dangerous place for crazy jumps!