This Is How They Do Friction Weld Axles! Axle Housing In The Best Possible Way!

Friction welding is used to fuse materials– specifically thermoplastics and metals. This is done with a very powerful bond using just friction itself in order to heat the surface of the materials and join them. In this one, we have a video that demonstrates how axle housing is done in a certain part of the world – China. It provides an awesome hypnotizing close-up perspective at the marvelous technique. The process goes through an automated machine that fastens the ends of the axles to the rear end housing. The axle ends are pressed into rotating chucks similar to what you can see on industrial lathes.

After this is done, the rotating chucks are then placed into position at the rear end housing. Afterwards, the chucks are brought up to a very high rotational speed and pressed inward. Using only the power of friction. Friction is done to both heat and clean the metal in order to create a solid, clean weld. After the immense rotation stops, the pressure is then applied inward. This Axle Housing process is more often than not preferred over conventional MIG or TIG welding. This is so because with friction welding the heat is limited to a very small area. This decreases stress on the materials. It is also more repeatable and considerably faster.

Finally, take a look at this easy welding video where a guy uses only two batteries and jumper cables!