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Extreme Downhill with Barbie Jeeps – Awesome Races & Crashes!

Extreme Downhill barbie JEEP racing

Today we have prepared three really cool and funny videos from the last three years` Extreme Downhill Barbie Jeep Race that were held at Rock Creek ORP in Booneville, Arkansas, where a record number of contestants appeared down there, just to have fun and do the challenge for the first price -- $200 in cash!

I have heard and reed many different comments about it – most have been positive – and if you ask me, this sure is one really cool way to go back in time and feel the joy of being a kid and everything that comes along with it.

And I have got to tell you that watching these guys going extreme downhill with those small plastic Jeeps, really gives me a unique and one of a kind adrenalin rush and makes me think about joining them next year. As I`m pretty sure that almost each and every one of you had this kind of an experience when you were kids, I`m also sure that you will like these following videos.

Some of these fellows are really out of their mind, so get ready to watch some epic crashes and `stunts` – I think that you really going to enjoy all three videos. Less talk, more fun -- it is time to take a look what Barbie Jeep extreme downhill Race is all about.


Finally, check the power on this Barbie Jeep!

Enjoy the video below!

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Enjoy the video below!

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Enjoy the video below!

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