2018 Lexus Super Yacht Made in USA!

Checking out a brand new super car that is extremely expensive is always fun and even though we might never get the chance to drive one, it is a pleasure just to take a close look at it. But, it is not always about the cars that are expensive and luxurious. Another thing that gets our body going and our blood boiling are the luxurious yachts. They can get ridiculously expensive, depending on the features and size of it. Hereby, it is time to take a look at something brand new, a Lexus super yacht that is guaranteed to blow your mind and make you wish for a single ride in there.

2018 Lexus Super Yacht Made in USA 2

This monstrous yacht has twin Lexus V8 engines that when combined together, produce massive amount of energy and power. Hereby, we take a look at this short video in which we see this 2018 Lexus super yacht in action and it is the most satisfying and glorious thing you will see today.

The yacht simply glides over the water with ease and style. Unfortunately enough there is not much information about the actual power of it, or the price. Nonetheless, we can conclude without a doubt that this Lexus super yacht is going to be extremely expensive, and with a reason. We also get the chance to see how it looks like from the inside and take a glance at some of the amazing features it has.

What do you think, is this the best super yacht so far?