Strong Mechanic Installing Transmission Without Transmission Jack! Pure Raw Strength Right Here!

For those of you who have never ever installed a transmission you should know one thing. Installing transmission SUCKS! They are dirty, heavy and huge! Also, to install a transmission requires a certain amount of preciseness. The reason why installing a transmission is such a dreadful job is because they should be placed in a very awkward position. The transmission needs to be installed in the center right underneath the car. And like we said it is super heavy! So you either have to be very strong in order to lift the transmission or use a transmission jack! This guy here in this video sure has the first thing and doesn`t care about the second! The mechanic in the video is actually lifting the transmission right into position without any help whatsoever!

Installing Transmission by lifting is actually a pretty old school thing. Back in the days before transmission jacks were wide in use, people didn`t had a choice and were lifting the transmission. However, that was not managed in a standing position! It was done by laying down and rolling the transmission unto your belly. Then raising the transmission and efficiently placing it in the center underneath the car. But as we said, this was done by laying down while the car is on jack stands!

Some people may say that this is not full of gears. Nevertheless, it has an output shaft so it must be pretty heavy! And he managed to lift it with great ease. Awesome lifting technique right there! Very slight back bending! But doing this constantly can`t be good for the back. Perfect lifting technique or not. So that is why we hope he is not doing this constantly and he is using a transmission jack. That is why such things as transmission jacks exist! So people won`t have to do back surgeries because of their line of work!

Finally, if you want to see how to replace an engine by the book, follow this link!