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US Submarine Breaking Through Artic Ice! Performing A North Pole Surfacing Like A Charm!

nuclear us submarine break ice 1 TN

Submarines can carry out all kinds of missions! Such are patrolling our territorial waters. Making sure from a stealthy positions there are no threats lurking about. They are very useful for gathering intelligence. For example launching drones from a submerged position. They can also gather intelligence directly. Meaning they can do it without the means of drones. Because of their submerged stealth abilities, submarines can be used also to efficiently infiltrate Special Forces. Submarines can also launch ballistic cruise missiles with a targeting guidance! That is why submarines are often operating near the most disputed waters and lands of the world. That includes the Arctic. And here is a special video of a certain US Submarine doing ice surfacing in the Arctic region near the US Navy Ice Camp Sargo.

Our US Submarine USS Hartford from Groton is taking part in an ice exercise called ISEX. It`s a five week exercise that includes multiple arctic transports. Moreover, North Pole surfacing, all kinds of scientific data and many other training goals during its stay in the Arctic region. This US submarine called USS Hartford is so high tech that it`s being converted from a pure war machine to an underwater laboratory.

According to a US Navy Release, all kinds of submarines have performed under ice operations in the North Pole for more than 50 years. The first submarine transit that occurred in the Arctic region was back in 1958! It was conducted by a US submarine called USS Nautilus. The first ice surfacing occurred in March 1959! It was performed by another US submarine called USS Skate. The first submarine that made a Bering Strait transit was the US submarine called USS Sargo. The US navy has performed in over 26 Arctic Exercises.

In this following footage we can see exactly how a US submarine is emerging through the ice in the Arctic Circle for ISEX 2016! an exercise that lasts for 5 weeks in extremely cold weather conditions. What do you think about this? Is this a great achievement by the US submarine?

Finally, if you are interested in submarine ballistic missile tests, check out North Korea`s testing here!