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Ultimate Nissan Skyline R34 Sounds Compilation! The Best EVER!

ultimate nissan skyline

Ultimate Nissan Skyline R34 Sounds Compilation! The best skyline sounds of YouTube are here, on the video below!

Tired of listening to the same old music all over again? You playlist is probably learnt by hard until now and your ears want something new! Could we recommend something? It is not a new video or hit, but a new compilation of NISSAN SKYLINE sounds!!! We have a 7 minutes long playlist that has it all, the thundering exhaust as well as that AMAZING sound when the pedal gas hits the floor! Some of these sounds will give you the impression of being in the middle of a gun shootout with all that riffling the exhaust provides! Are you all ears? Let`s begin!

Finally, check one of the best reviews, history, prices, and specs on this link!

Enjoy the video below!

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