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1550hp TT Lamborghinis vs 1300hp TT Porsche vs 1200hp TT Viper!

tt viper race

When we have so many cars in the title of the article, maybe one of the most valuable is TT Viper, that surely means one thing, there are many races to see! At the beginning of the video, we have a brief introduction of the first non-American automobile, the ’94 Porsche. It has 2.6 liter engine with twin turbo delivering 1305 horsepower on ethanol and has reached a maximum speed of 236 mph. This vehicle is fierce, you are going to see why. Besides the fact that there are several cameras recording the races, which we appreciate, we also salute the idea of having a short conversations with the drivers discussing their cars and the races as well. Maybe it seems unbelievable, but this ’94 Twin Turbo Porsche C2 by Eddie Bello has dominated in the battle versus Lamborghinis and Viper and took home the win from this incredible drag race!

Check the video bellow and feel free to share your opinion with us.

At last, look at this insane speed record by this Dodge Viper on this link!

Enjoy the video below!

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