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CLOCK With LIQUID Display! Welcome The RHEI CLOCK!

Young Designer CLOCK With LIQUID Display! RHEI CLOCK Time Flows LITERALLY 26

Young designer Damjan Stankovic is one of those people who whatever they are doing are doing with an aim to make it better and more perfect. There is also the indescribable inspiration as well as a desire to design new things and one of them is the latest project on which he worked for almost a year – the Rhei Clock.

This is an electro-mechanical clock which work is based on ferro-fluid, a liquid used to display information. This innovative idea brought Damjan the prestigious Red Dot Award for conceptual design. What makes this watch special is the outstanding futuristic design that comes up with an electronic mechanism.

I learned everything on the go -- says the inventor. The real challenge is moving on after the first prototype, which was easy to make. There were some problems during the first phase, but I decided on the solution with a magnet and a mechanical system that moves the liquid back and forth. The electronics that drive the mechanism were designed by Marko Pavlovic, without whom the project would not be achieved so quickly -- he explains.

So, if you want to see this magical clock in action, click on the video below and experience the whole story behind its creation!

Plus, follow this link to visit the official page and get more information about the Rhei clock!