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t power h2o Brazil This motorbike runs on

By now it was only a wishful dream, but now it has become a hundred percent real! There is a motorbike that comes from Brazil, which makes heads turn, but not because of its jaw-dropping design or out-of-this-world power and speed, but because it can run on a simple water from a fountain or even the nearby polluted river, up to 310 miles on only one liter of H20! Sound unbelievable, right? The man behind this incredible bike named T POWER H2O is Ricardo Azevedo, public officer from Brazil`s biggest city, Sao Paolo, and besides simple water, its design features a single external car battery for the production of the electricity and separate hydrogen from the molecules of the water.

There is also a pipe system which results in water combustion, that creates the necessary energy for the power, and what comes out of the exhaust is a water vapour, unlike the gasoline which results with a carbon monoxide. So, this is 100% clean and eco-friendly motorcycle!

So, check out the video below, take a look at the ‘T POWER H2O’ in action and tell us what you think about it in the comment section below. Can you imagine this to be the future of automobiles?

And if you want to find out which are the officially most eco-friendly motorcycles, go to this link.