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The Five Most Important Muscle Car Maintenance Tips

_The Five Most Important Muscle Car Maintenance Tips 1

If you`re the proud owner of a muscle car, there`s a pretty good chance you`re looking to keep this vehicle in tip-top shape for as long as possible. Whether it`s for show or just to drive around town, you`ll want to do your best to make sure you`re getting the longest life out of your vehicle as possible and not having to go down the costly repair and replacement avenue. That in mind, we have a list of some of the most important muscle cars maintenance tips for your muscle car and how to go about each one of these to keep your car in as tip top shape for as long possible.

Don`t Let it Sit 

Off the top, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that you`re going to want to be using your car as routinely as possible, and that means not letting it sit and waste away for weeks and months on end. 

That in mind, even if your car is typically reserved for show days, races or just about anything else, it`s a good idea to get it out and about as much as possible, even if just for a drive to get groceries or anything else. 

As for the damage that can occur when your muscle car sits idle, there is a lot to make a note of — and that includes damage to seals, brake fluids and more. You`ll see brakes simply not working as well, your seals coming loose or failing to seal correctly and you might even notice nasties getting into the exhaust or the engine itself. 

All of these issues are exceedingly costly to remedy and so you should make sure to drive your vehicle as often as possible. 

Maintain the Paintwork

A second big point that we`re sure you`ll agree with is keeping on top of your paint`s ageing process.

One large part of a muscle car`s appeal is the paintwork and what it looks like on the outside, and without correct maintenance tasks, you`ll be running the risk of fading your paint, seeing it chip or even change colour tones entirely. 

That in mind, heading down to local re-sprayers and detailers like DingGo might be worthwhile in that you will have the chance to keep the paintwork in the best shape. If you`re working with a highly glossy or a matte paint, you`re going to want to do all you can to keep your paint looking as new and eye-catching as possible. 

Hold Back on Modifications 

To one of the most important factors to keep in mind when it comes to maintenance, you`re going to want to do your best to hold back on making changes to your car on your own. 

These muscle cars have been developed and carefully curated by their manufactures to operate well, efficiently and to simply look as stylish and monstrous and possible, and if you begin to make changes or alterations, you run the risk of not just damaging the car — but majorly depreciating its value. 

In some cases, you might even void your warranty, and that means having to forgo free services and other manufacturer-included processes. 

That in mind, place the integrity of your car at the top of your list and do your best not to make any changes. 

Routine Services

A tip that goes without saying is always having your vehicle services when required. 

The majority of muscle car manufacturers out there will offer some pointers here and set up a routine schedule for servicing so that you know when to bring your car in.

On top of this, the experts at the body shop will know what to look for when things go wrong and also be able to spot issues before they occur, so getting a few of these preventative maintenance processes in won`t hurt either. 

To add, it`s always important to see a mechanic that`s certified or has been recommended by the manufacturer you purchased the car from in that they will be able to better work with your car and safely make changes. 

Correct Storage

To end, our final tip is to make sure that when your car isn`t in use, it is stored correctly. 

A no brainer on the list, this tip is important for those who might not have a space to store their muscle car, or have an outdoor garage for their home. You should always do your best to have your car wrapped in a cover and out of the elements at all times, and whether this means investing in a car cover, or keeping it safely closed off in the garage — we suggest you do this.