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Spectra Chrome Paint Easy Spraying! See This Unbelievable Spraying Technology & Be Amazed!

Spectra Chrome Paint

Everyone likes a good paintjob! It can make your ride go from nice to a jaw-dropper! But choosing the right color and style is not really easy. But have you ever thought of making your ride shiny??? That is right, shiny! A sure way to make people turn their heads for your ride! And with the Spectra Chrome easy spraying, this is now a possibility!

In this video, we see the Spectra Chrome paint, a coating performance that is guaranteed to leave you speechless! The Spectra Chrome is a product of over 10 years of engineering and development, and it is simply amazing! This revolutionary product not only gives you a chrome coating, but is also super adhesive and has total flexibility over vinyl and bendable plastics! If this still has not convinced you about the products amazing qualities, you should try bending any other chrome product!

Spectra Chrome has perfected a revolutionary new spray-on chrome process, making it easier than ever to apply a brilliant chrome-like mirror finish to almost any surface! This unique finish shown in this video is actually a layer of real silver metal, deposited between two layers of paint. The base coated part can be built up with a silver mist color giving the paintjob a mirror shine.

The part is afterwards rinsed with deionized water! And after the part is blown dry with compressed air, it is ready for Spectra Chrome`s ultra durable top coat clear! And this top coat can be tended to look exactly like chrome, gold, copper, or any shade of the spectrum! And by spraying different colors of chrome, you can make your ride look stunning! Check out the Spectra Chrome paint easy spraying technique right here in this video and enjoy the beauty of this revolutionary product!

And finally, if you want to see some Spectra Chrome window frames, follow this link!