Snow Removal The Bass-Head Way With 30,000 Watts! You Don’t Need A Snow Plow With This Insane Subwoofer!

Winter can be a drag for a lot of car users. One of the usual problems is ice and snow removal of your vehicle. If you get up early in the morning for work, and find your vehicle covered with snow can be one huge frustration. Cleaning it up, more often than not, can be very time-consuming. In this moment, you say to yourself – there must be an easier solution to make your vehicle usable again. It happens that one bass-head has a very mighty solution that doesn`t involve a scraper and frozen fingers to the core. Actually it only involves one very insane subwoofer system!

So, instead of scraping that snow by hand, one bass-head just turns on his 30,000 watts of total speaker madness fitted in his Jeep Grand Cherookee. When that bass starts banging the snow is removed pretty fast and is absolutely no match for this stereo. This guy should not be worried about snow anymore. With an insane subwoofer system like this one, he should worry more about breaking the windows of his Jeep. His neighbors must really like this guy. An entire car committed to be so loud is very crazy indeed. Click on the video below to see this unique way of snow removal!

Want to hear what a 10,000 Watts Bass sounds and feels like? Follow this link!