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What Was Once An Old RC Car It Became An Original NITRO ENGINE POWERED PENCIL SHARPENER!!!

Nitro Engine Powered Pencil Sharpener

Even from the period when you were just toddlers, if you were dealing with RC vehicles and had that urge to open them up and see how these little cars are functioning, it was clear that you are interested to learn how those small motors are working and see if you can do something about it, perhaps change a few things and make it better. For some of us, this curiosity and interest to work on those small engines had been the basis that drove us to become mechanics and deal with real engines. Others were simply satisfied with working on the RC cars` motors, and developed a hobby out of it. And if you are one of those guys, then you are really going to enjoy the following video…

As we find out at the beginning of the clip, this workshop tweak`s friend gave him an old gas powered RC car, and as it turned out, it was an inspiration for the creation of something quite original, which became a real Internet sensation.

I presume that it is clear to most of you that the reason for that is the car`s engine -- a pencil sharpener. And not just `a regular` example, but a Nitro engine-powered sharpener, which, if you ask me, is an entire different league! An amazing one, I might add.

The final result is one insanely cool DIY rig that got converted from an old RC car with an overkill engine to a ludicrously powerful device which is also as loud as hell. And the manufacturing process was not something simple, like pairing the old motor with the pencil sharpener. There are numerous other added features like the spin controller brake and many others (for which I`m not competent to talk about).

So, check out the video clip below, see this great device yourself and find out many specifications about it from the man himself. And also, since everything began with a RC car, go to this link if you are interested to see interesting homemade RC rides from common materials.