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Who Knew Melting Aluminum Wheels Could Be So Mesmerizing!

Melting Aluminum Wheels 2

When old rims get too beaten up or people just need to dispose of them, you sell them, right? But did you know what happens when they need to be recycled? Aluminum is an expensive material and we don`t want to waste any of it, so we need to make sure it`s used over and over again, and for that purpose, this video shows how melting aluminum wheels happens!

It`s like a scene from the Terminator movie, where sturdy old aluminum rims are put into an extremely hot vat of molten aluminum, disappearing entirely within seconds of being slid into the vat. It`s all so effortless how the guy just slides in the old rims and within a few blinks, the melting aluminum wheels become part of the vat, without any possible fuss – the melted material simply melts down the rims and it all becomes homogenous.

It takes them about a minute to melt down a dozen rims and after that, they can just re-shape them into anything they want.

The melting temperature of aluminum is from 865 to 1240 Fahrenheit, so imagine how hot it gets around it! I don`t think there are any side products so this is probably the best way to recycle!

Whilst we`re talking aluminum, take a look how this aluminum engine block was built!