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Shocking MASSIVE 100,000 DUCK STAMPEDE In Thailand!

MASSIVE 100000 DUCK STAMPEDE In Thailand 25

Jones, you are late again!!! – But Sir… It`s not my… -- Not your fault!? What is it this time?! – A duck stampede blocked my way to work, Sir! – Oh my God, Jones!
This would probably be the conversation between our hero from the video and his boss, if he was going to work that day! However, what you are about to read is hardly believable, but it`s true! A man was stuck in traffic for too long! The interesting part is the reason – DUCK STAMPEDE! The whole street was filled with ducks and there was no way of driving through them! They just kept coming out of nowhere as it was hard to understand WHERE DO THEY COME FROM!

According to the language spoken in the video – Thai, the action takes place in Taiwan! The driver is stuck in the MAIN FARM COUNTRY ROAD, so every surrounding street is experiencing the same thing! There must be like hundreds thousands ducks in this video, something that we rarely, or probably never see here in the States! OK guys, what you have to do next is to see for yourself how a duck stampede looks like, and how DUCKS can make you late for work!

Did you know that one Canadian woman got arrested for stopping her car to help 2 ducks? Follow this link, to read that story!