The Most Epic Tubing FAIL of This SUMMER Is Here!

Seeing videos of other people failing is always fun, especially if it is any minor fail where no one is injured and that is why we take a look at the following tubing fail which might have ended in disaster, but we all hope it did not.

Tubing Fail laugh jump 2

Namely, there are two people on an inflatable platform which is pulled by a speed boat and it is a common way to have fun. But it did go as smooth as these guys were hoping for when they first got on it. Everything was fine and they had a lot of fun; that is until the speed boat decided to take a sharp turn. But how can a simple sharp turn hurt them? Well, the boat creates waves from its sides as it speeds on the water.

These waves are considerably large, and when the boat made the turn, it left a trail of waves behind it which hit the people inside the platform. Though they managed to keep themselves for a short time, they eventually ended up being shot up in the air by the final huge wave. We do not have any information whether they got some injuries or not, it could not have been a safe splash in the water. We just hope so that they are fine. Luckily both of them wore safety jackets.

This tubing fail might have ended in disaster, so the next time you get on such platform, make sure you hold on those handles tightly.

At last, check out this crazy Honda motorcyclist riding in the water.

Boat Fail

"Don't worry, we'll take it slow…"

Posted by Vids on Monday, August 21, 2017