The Emirates RAK Police Department Has a New Way Of Trolling Lawbreakers!

If you`re with the Emirates RAK police department and you have a limited number of cars and officers, you have to be inventive in order to find a way to control all of those fancy expensive cars on the freeway. This police department in Ras al-Khaimah decided it was able to use dummy cars and some flashing lights on the side of the road so that drivers would be more careful about how fast they were going.

As we all know, the United Arab Emirates and especially Dubai are packed with high-end, expensive cars that can go much faster than normal vehicles, so the Emirates RAK police department set up a few models of their police cars, spray painted to look exactly like them! They took some cardboard, cut it up in the shape of their cars, slapped some flashing red and blue lights on top and presto – their available car numbers just doubled. Besides, if you`re going way over the speed limit, you won`t have time to see whether it`s a proper car or this cardboard contraption, but you will surely slow down and obey the rules so you don`t get pulled over, right? Good move, Emirates RAK police department, good move.

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