DIY AC/DC Motor! Check Out This Great Ball Bearing Motor That Can Be The Future!

Can you picture an electric motor that is not based on magnetism or electrostatics? That in fact runs on the good old AC and DC? That`s what we got here folks. It`s powered by an old fashioned car battery loader. It switches on and off with a foot switch. However, this ball bearing motor is not self-starting so you`ll have to give it a spin. The guy perfectly demonstrates how it can go both directions and underwater as well. This contraption is a heat motor with hardened still. Looks pretty crazy considering most other heat engines use gas.

In the video below, there is an explanation on how it works. However, that explanation turned out to not be accurate. Fortunate for us, YouTubers Mark Horstmeir and Ramosel delivered a great elaboration on how it functions. You can find that in the description of the video. To be frank, the ball bearing motor may not be the most efficient engine in the world. However, its great simplicity could prove very useful indeed. You can try and make one of these for yourself if you are a DIY enthusiast. You only need stainless hardware, an old battery charger, and the bearings. With all of these components you can make magic happen.

Finally, click here for one 5 minute DIY motor tutorial!