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Make Your Own 1000 Rocket Bike Thanks To Colin Furze!

1000 Rocket Bike Colin Furze 1

Modifying or fully taking apart and making your own bike is always fun but this guy took a step forward and made his own rocket bike.

You must be wondering what a rocket bike is. Well, his idea was to make enough space at the back i.e. to extend the bike as much as necessary in order to fix in place 1,000 rockets! How cool is that! He got an old bike from the scrap yard and ordered 1,000 rockets too. Finally it was time for built. He cut the bike in half and started assembling it. A huge steel frame was welded on the back, extending its size for nearly three times more. He then welded sub frames onto the main one which would hold those 40 packets of rockets.

He also welded the rear part of the bike onto the frame and eventually ended up with a fully functional massive bike. Funny thing is that the bike was so big that it could not fit in his garage. Then it was time for the rockets. One packet after another and he ended up with a rocket bike which was so fun to look at. Colin Furze decided to fire them up while riding it!

Of course this required some safety measured and he took some foam and cut out a shape which would fit behind him. He tied the whole foam onto him and was finally ready. It was a spectacular thing to look at. Check the video for more and see how it actually looked like!

For more interesting videos by Colin Furze, check out his official YT channel.