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Stupid Shit Ricers Say 2013 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES

Have you ever seen or hear about a Mitsubishi Lancer Even Sportier?! No? You thought that ES in 2013 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES stands for something else, right? Well, you were wrong (but don`t worry, you are not the only one), but today all of that is going to change, as you are about to see and listen to one of the best and most ingenious Mitsubishi reviews ever! And it is all thanks to this guy named Pablo Sanchez, who is going to explain to us, all the modifications that he had done to his `highly customized` sports car, that makes him run with it on the highway up to 350 mph!

I`m not even going to try to paraphrase some of his words, or dare to say something myself about his awesome Japanese ride, which is probably like no other Mitsubishi Lancer that you have ever seen! I mean, it is not “Even Sportier” for nothing…

Okay, I guess that by now it is pretty much clear to all of you that what you are about to see is a video which is probably a parody of a real review of a highly customized street race car. I only think that they really shouldn`t have named it “Stupid #@ξ Ricers Say”. Other than that, everything is tip top!

So, without much chit chatting about it, I will leave you to enjoy in Pablo`s presentation yourself, and get a few good laughs! Of course, feel free to share your thoughts about the 2013 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES with us in the comment section below. But if you want to read a real review about the 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer, go to this link.