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What Happens To OIL & FILTERS That Comes Out Of Your Car? Oil Filter Recycling!

Oil Filter Recycling By Lucas Lane Inc Car 1

One thing is for sure in this era of global warming and industrialization, go green or go home! Okay that`s not really our style of doing business, but we still give props to those working on ecologically clean environment. Now, have you ever heard of oil filter recycling? Probably yes. It is also a possibility that you thought of this as total nonsense!

Some used to think that an oil filter does not really change anything, so what`s with all this oil filter recycling? Well, now take a look at the fact that over 500 million oil filters are manufactured and used in this country, that sums to a lot!

That is why Lucas Lane Inc. decided to focus their strength on oil filter recycling. Not only because it is the ecologically right way to do, but also because a lot of important materials are being dumped for no reason! Scrap steel for example, more than 75,000 tons of it gets wasted a year, whereas 9,000,000 gallons of oil is wasted as well! That sums up to 1,5 trillion BTUs of energy – what about that?! And all these numbers do not even take into consideration the heavy machine and truck oil filters! Take a look at the video to find out more about oil filter recycling!

Before you go, follow this link to see how to recycle car batteries.