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Brutt Monster: Dare To Try This Extreme Ramp?

Would You Dare Try This Extreme Ramp With A Vehicle 1

Off-road elements can be a very tough challenge to conquer, however, in this one we can see something different that is made by mankind instead of nature and is one very extreme ramp. This extreme 4×4 ramp is actually called the Brutt Monster and we think this is more than a fitting name for this monstrous ramp. The beasty ramp is located in the Czech Republic and it was made for the Jeep Experience event. This event is a car show that aimed to demonstrate just how powerful Jeep`s latest models really are.

We think this ramp is more than just a ramp not just because of its difficulty to conquer, but because of its unique shape as well. One of the vehicles to try this ramp was the Tatra 810 truck. This truck was so powerful, it even managed to pass the world record in extreme climbing and downhill by conquering the extreme ramp! However, in this one, we can see a different vehicle giving the slick ramp a try. This 4×4 machine demonstrates that conquering this metal ramp is no easy task at all because it takes more than just a few tries to get the job done.

The metal ramp is actually 26.6 feet-tall and with that in mind it`s actually the biggest obstacle for vehicles ever made by mankind. However, the vehicle trying the ramp in this video is not your regular stock Jeep Cherokee, but a purpose made 4×4 ATV designed to show this ramp who`s the boss. It eventually manages to pass it, but we would love to see a stock Jeep vehicle taking a go at it.

And if you want to meet the most agile 4×4 vehicle ever, don’t hesitate to follow this link!