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How To Remove A Broken Bolt Removal Tutorial!

Broken Bolt Removal Tutorial 1

People have been coming up with various ways to make our their lives much easier, very often finding simple solutions to everyday problem and in the following video we take a look at a simple tutorial on how to easily remove a broken bolt and is called the broken bolt removal technique. Most of you might find this DIY tutorial very helpful hence removing a broken screw can be very annoying and frustrating. All you need for this trick is a washer and a nut. First of all you need to grind off and smoothen out the surface from where the bolt broke.

You can easily do that with a rotary tool. Once you do that you are going to need a washer that fits perfectly over the broken bolt. This is so because you need to weld the washer over the bolt but it should not touch the surface onto which the bolt was screwed. Once you finish welding the washer in place, it is off to the nut.

The size of the nut may vary hence you can use any wrench size. Then weld the nut over the washer and the broken screw and leave it for couple of seconds to rest. Just be careful not to weld the nut from the sides hence you need to grab it with a wrench. All you have to do now is to unscrew this makeshift screw and you are good to go.

Check the video for more! What do you think about the broken bolt removal technique?

Finally, here is a great way how to remove a bolt explained in pictures!