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6 Steps To Take After A Motorcycle Accident 

a motorcycle accident 2

Being involved in a motorcycle accident can be a traumatic experience that can have an impact on your physical health, as well as your vehicle. And while it can be avoidable, especially by adequately following safety tips while on the road, it can still happen. It can be due to uncontrollable factors such as the weather, the road`s condition, or your motorcycle suddenly malfunctioning. Or perhaps, in some cases, it can be due to the negligence of other motorists.


And that said, if you`ve been in a motorcycle accident and you believe it`s because of someone else`s negligence, it`s essential that you take the necessary course of action as soon as you can. These measures include the legal and administrative process of handling this case to ensure that you get fair compensation for the damage you`ve sustained.

To help you, here are the essential steps to take after a motorcycle accident:

  1. Move Away From The Roadway

After the incident, if you`re able, it`s essential that you move out of the traffic flow and get yourself to safety. Doing so can help you prevent further injuries and minimize disruptions on the road. On the other hand, if you`ve been severely injured, stay in your place and wait for the paramedics to arrive to give you medical assistance and treatment. Take note that unnecessary movements may worsen your condition. 

  1. Contact The Police And Emergency Services 

If you`re able, call the police and medical services to the scene immediately. This is important, so you can file a report and get your side of the story as a form of official documentation to the authorities. This report will become critical evidence when you plan to open a case or seek damages against the party at fault.

Emergency services should also be called to the scene to treat anyone who may be injured and requires immediate assistance. This includes yourself, the other driver, any passengers who were involved in the collision, and bystanders who may have gotten second-hand injuries from the accident. And remember, regardless of how minor your injuries are, it`s critical that you prioritize your health and wellbeing.

  1. Get Information From The Other Driver 

While you`re at the scene, ensure that you get the relevant information about the other driver involved in the motorcycle incident. This includes their name, home address, contact details, motorcycle registration, and insurance details. If you`re in Arizona, you can pass the gathered information to one of the Phoenix Motorcycle Accident Attorneys to help you build your case. 

Additionally, you could also take the statement and information of witnesses, if there are any. Their testimony can significantly help strengthen your case and provide substantial evidence to insurance companies and the court.

  1. Seek Medical Attention 

Aside from getting emergency medical assistance and first aid treatment at the scene, you should also seek further medical attention. Even if you haven`t been seriously injured in the collision, it`s still advisable to get a thorough physical examination. This is because there could be internal injuries that you may have sustained that aren`t visible to you and won`t be felt for some time.

Generally, injuries from a motorcycle accident are often around the neck, back, and head regions. So, seeking medical attention can help identify possible injuries before they develop into serious conditions that could affect your health and wellbeing down the line. 

More so, visiting a doctor and getting their diagnosis can also be used as further evidence of health-related conditions you`ve gotten in the collision that qualifies you and could determine the value of your compensation when making a claim after a motorcycle accident.

  1. Find The Right Legal Counsel

Once you`ve been cleared of your injuries, you can now focus on finding the right legal counsel. Having a lawyer means having an advisor who can guide your legal decisions and be your negotiator when dealing with insurers and the other party involved in the accident. 

In addition, your legal counsel can also help you gather and evaluate your evidence to assess how strong the case is against the other driver and prove fault or negligence. In this case, it`ll be in your favor to have a reliable legal authority to handle your case. 

  1. Contact The Relevant Insurers 

Once your documentation has been sorted out, proceed to contact your insurers, as well as the insurance company of the other party involved. This is to inform them that an accident has occurred and that you plan on claiming compensation based on damage to yourself and your motorcycle. 

From there, it will be up to the insurer to deduce how much payout you`ll receive based on your existing coverage, especially if you already have motorcycle insurance. And as previously mentioned, you can benefit from hiring a lawyer to help you navigate this process and ensure you get the compensation you deserve. 

Final Words

Taking the right steps following a motorcycle accident can be to your advantage. It can help ensure that your health is taken care of and your injuries are treated where needed. More so, it can aid in building your case, should you decide on making a case and filing for damages. 

A key tip to remember is to gather as much evidence as you can. In addition, you should also consider working with a lawyer who can help you get through the legal matters concerning your motorcycle accident.