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What Happens When You Celebrate Early On The DRAG STRIP! RED LIGHT!

What Happens When You Celebrate Early On The DRAG STRIP RED LIGHT 1

There are lots of things that can go wrong at times when you expect them to go the least. This has been proven even before in some of the videos that we have taken a look at, but the one you are about to see here surely tops them all and shows us exactly why we should never celebrate early, at least not until the race is over. There are people who always like to show off and brag about the car they have, without even respecting the car that they are going head to head. Namely, this video is the perfect example of why you should never do it.

So what exactly happened? Well, we see two cars that are warming up for this drag race and there are dozens and dozens of people gathered up around them. However, a group of people who was supporting the car on the left was lot louder and shouted much more than the one on the right.

Even when the two cars were off to a furious start, the guys on the left celebrated the win even though the race was not yet over. Immediately soon, karma stroke back and their car lost the race. It surely was not something that they had expected. Nonetheless, this video is probably going to teach all of those who celebrate early something ever way before it is actually over.

What do you think, were you happy that they lost to the car on the right?