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Transformer Man Turns Into Toy Car That Moves With Speed of 11 MPH!

Transformer Man Turns Into Toy Car That Moves With Speed of 19 km h! 3

Ever since the first Transformers movie came out, starring Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel and that other guy, people went wild! They started thinking about how a real Transformer man would look like?! Would it be cool to have real Autobotic heroes too keep us sage? Thing is, that someone has taught of completing that wish as we now have a real Transformer man! Of course, let us not get too hyped. This is not a hero that will fight the Deceptions – but yet a cool project!

The entrepreneur Drew Beaumier has created a costume inspired by the intelligent robots shown in the famous Transformers movie. Finally, we can see the effects of his work. By dressing the costume, one looks like a robot from the movie Transformers, because when putting it on, he transforms into a vehicle that can move forward at a speed of about 11 miles per hour. People found it fascinating and so did we! The transformer man made many kids laugh as it made parents ask questions. How does one curl up and then move 11 miles per hour?

Albeit it looks way more different from the Transformers we have seen in the movie, we ought to give this man some credit for the effort. Also, it is obvious that he is a big fan of the movie franchise! It would`ve been weird if he is not. We believe that he is one of the major attractions at this esplanade. No wonder why so many people are gathered there. Of course, the band is playing a significant role as well. As a matter of fact, those guys are not bad at all! Honestly, we first thought that the music comes from some speakers mounted on this guy`s suit!

And finally, follow this link to see another transformer project!

Enjoy the video below!


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