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Every Gearhead’s Dream Tool! Check Out The Torque Multiplier Lug Nut Remover Called Cheater Wrench!

Torque Multiplier Lug Nut Remover Cheater Wrench tool 11

Sometimes we all have difficulty removing the lug nuts of our car or truck. Attaching a pipe or a cheater bar to a wrench just isn`t efficient sometimes. This can be very frustrating indeed. This is where the torque multiplier lug nut remover called Cheater Wrench comes into place. It`s very practical and will remove any lug nut. To loosen lug nuts using the Cheater Wrench one needs to remove the lug nut caps, if the vehicle has one. Then, the correct one inch drive socket needs to be placed onto the lug nut. Put the Cheater Wrench output shaft into the socket and spin the input shaft until the Cheater Wrench arm braces against the neighboring lug nut or hub.

Then, place the handle on the input shaft and turn in the direction the lug nut needs to spin. After the lug nut is loose, simply remove the handle and the Cheater Wrench. Place the speed bar in to the socket, attach the handle and finish removing the lug nut. These guys are so confident with their design that they offering it with a lifetime warranty. Also, unlike other torque multiplier lug nut remover tools, this one comes with a socket extension that provides the tool to be used on any kind of wheels and not just steer tires. With this tool, you can even change the tires on your own on an RV or a semi-truck. What do you think?

Finally, check out the 25 tools that every gearhead needs!