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Please Tell This Guy How To USE A DEMOLITION HAMMER!


There is simply no shame in labor working. In fact, those are brave people who often risk their lives in order to make ours easier. It is common sense that people with dirty hands have clean money. Those persons, without a doubt are labor workers. On the other hand, in certain cases, labor working does not require a lot of thinking. You just have to follow the rules and the instructions and you are going to be fine. However, this industry frequently attracts individuals who are sometimes easy to mock, especially at the beginning of their service. Today`s demolition hammer video is the perfect example. It comes all the way from Europe, more precisely the Balkan Peninsula. It isn`t our practice to present you videos from that region, but when something is fun it definitely deserves a place here at our website!

This time we have one beyond hilarious recording, which made our week, not just our day! There is an artisan who is working on a concrete wall, when the guy recording asks to show him how he uses the demolition hammer. Then, instead of just turning it on, the artisan manually hits the wall with the device! Trust is, it is way funnier when you see it. Don`t wait, press play!

Do you want to laugh more?! Visit this link to watch the boy who tries the hammer test on his phone!