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Should You Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident?

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It’s natural to think that hiring an attorney isn’t necessary if the injuries from your minor car accident are so minor that the injury symptoms don’t last very long or require any expensive medical treatment. However, there are many hidden benefits of hiring an auto accident lawyer which you may not be aware of:

A Good Understanding of the Law

Likely, you may not know what laws apply to your situation unless you have specialized legal training. An experienced lawyer has s deep knowledge about personal injury law and what it entails, including personal injury claims statute of limitations and comparative fault. They not only assist you in identifying relevant laws and legal issues related to your car accident but also help you understand how the local court system interprets the laws. Your chances of winning the claim suit and receiving total compensation for your loss are much higher when you hire an injury attorney.

Avoiding Insurance Company Pitfalls

If your case goes to court and involves issues such as property damage and bodily injury liability, having an experienced lawyer by your side who knows how to position your case will greatly benefit you. Insurance companies are often hesitant to pay out claims, and they go through all sorts of hoops in an attempt to deny or reduce the amount that they owe you for damages. An accident attorney might be able to get you what you deserve just because his vast experience dealing with insurance adjusters gives him a leg up when it comes down to negotiating. 

Proving Liability

Proving liability in court plays a crucial role in a successful accident lawsuit. However, the process may be more complicated than you expect. Proving that the other party was at fault and breached a duty of care even with police reports and witness affidavits. An attorney will need to prove elements of negligence or fault, such as:

Many factors are essential to a successful accident lawsuit. Ensure you choose an excellent attorney to provide citations and references to cases that support your suit.

Supporting Your Claim With Evidence

Your vehicle accident claim is only as solid as the evidence you can present. Your lawyer will gather enough evidence linking your injuries with the accident by conducting a thorough investigation. If needed, the evidence will be crucial in proving your claim in court or to insurers. Some of the evidence includes:

In some instances, you may need an accident reconstruction pro to determine how the accident happened and the party at fault. The expert can also determine if a vehicle defect caused the crash.

Explaining Settlement Options

Most people don’t know that majority of accident claims do not reach the trial stage. Most of them are settled out of court, where the insurance company will usually propose a compensatory offer. However, once you accept the offer, you lose your right to sue them ever again. Therefore, it is the responsibility of your lawyer to explain the repercussions of accepting an offer and negotiating a favorable deal for you.

Filing a Court Case

Your attorney will help you file a case in court if out of the court negotiations fail. However, trials often require more time and money. The other party may prevent you from suing them if you attempt to seek justice by yourself. A good lawyer should submit all the necessary documents in court, provide legal representation, and update you on court proceedings.

Recovery of Damages for Emotional Distress

Minor cases involving bumps and bruises usually don’t involve much emotional distress. However, when someone causes life-altering injuries such as brain damage, paralysis, or amputation, there is no cap on how much money you can recover in a personal injury lawsuit if the defendant’s negligence caused your injuries. It can include compensation for the emotional trauma you’ve suffered because of your serious personal injuries. Minor accidents are also responsible for causing many traumatic brain injuries, particularly harmful to the victim.

Car accidents are no laughing matter, even if the injuries and damage aren’t serious. It’s essential to take advantage of your legal right to recover compensation for any injuries or damages you’ve suffered. Having a lawyer handle the negotiations and paperwork will allow you to focus on recovering quickly. They will work hard on pursuing the maximum allowable award in your case.