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See The Five MOST DANGEROUS ROADS IN THE WORLD! Adventure, Adrenaline & Fear Guaranteed!

Five Most Dangerous Roads In The World 1 play

If you think that you have seen it all, then you have another thing coming. In a video full of adventure, adrenaline and genuine fear, we present you the ranking of the five most dangerous roads in the world. At number 5 we have the Atlantic Road in Norway, where the rising tides have forced many cars to simply fly off the road into the water.

You simply cannot predict what is going to happen on this road! At number 4 we present you the South Yungas Road in Bolivia, a road which is quite wide, to be frank, but its surroundings and height will make you dizzy!

See The Five MOST DANGEROUS ROADS IN THE WORLD! Adventure, Adrenaline And Fear Guaranteed!

Number 3 is the Vitim River Crossing, Siberia. This path is an absolute nightmare to drive on, being built out of wood and being so narrow that you have to be fully concentrated in order not to fall into the river. Second placed is the Road from Shyari to Ishtyari in India, a narrower road than the previous ones, so you have to extra careful.

Finally, at number one we have the Himalayas in South Asia, a road so narrow and dangerous it will make your heart stop. Each road will leave you breathless and nauseous!

At last, click here to see the world’s most dangerous airports!