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RK CONCEPT BIKE – Rafik Kaissi Makes Motorcycles from Junk Parts!

rk concept bikes Rafik Kaissi

Now this is something you do not have a chance to see every day, no matter how much you are looking for different type of custom made motorcycles and all kinds of prototypes. It is one hell of an attractive bike that will make you want to have it, or at least try to build (or have it build for you) something similar for yourself, because it really is that good! I do like custom made bikes with original and unique looks, but I`m also not too crazy about them, but after seeing this monster, I have got to tell you that something deep inside have started to rumble! Designed and created by Rafik Kaissi (RK Concepts)!

Continue reading and watch the second video on PAGE 2!


Enjoy the video below!

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This is one of those things that will blow your mind away with all of those innovative decisions, especially the welding industrial chain, used as a backbone of the bike. However, in 2009, at the international World Championship in Sturgis, it was placed (only) at 10th place.

After watching the video, some of you might be wondering what is Rafik Kaissi doing with that tank on his back. And the answer -- that old copper fire extinguisher that is belted on the guys back is used as a fuel tank. How about that? The seat can be moved to different links, so the rider can adjust it to its arms length. Check it out, it really is something!

Enjoy the video below!

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