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Richard Mark Hammond Discusses His CRASH With Mate Rimac!

Richard Mark Hammond CRASH

Several weeks after the crash in Concept_One Richard Mark Hammond sits to discuss with the Rimac Automobili CEO, Mate Rimac. They talk about his incident with the electric supercar while he was filming the last episode of  The Grand Tour. In the video below, Hammond speaks about what went through his mind at the moment of the crash, why & how the incident happened, what was the filming & all the other details.

We can all say what we will, but the incredible fact that he just walked away without any serious injury from such a crash is just unbelievable and it really shows how safe the Concept_One Electric Supercar is. Also, Mr. Rimac accepted to be a part of it unlike many other CEOs of car production companies.

Check out this amazing video and share your thoughts with us!

At last, read Richard Hammond’s full bio here!