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Red Bull FROZEN RUSH Represents The Ultimate Winter Racing Event! Off-Road Racing, Jumps In The Snow & MORE!

Red Bull FROZEN RUSH Represents The Ultimate Winter Racing Event 1 play

We believe that we have the event which will surely make you not like, but love winter and also to leave you restless until its next edition! This event is fulfilled with great deal of excitement, adrenaline, driving skills and of course power! It is a word of the Red Bull Frozen Rush!

The video below will most certainly leave you breathless as you watch some of the best moments that occurred at this year`s edition. To be more precise, it features several 900 horsepower Pro4 trucks racing up and down the mountain doing almost the impossible!

Red Bull FROZEN RUSH Represents The Ultimate Winter Racing Event!

You are going to watch these extremely powerful vehicles being pushed to their limits in severe winter conditions by head-to-head races that include high jumps and tricky landings, driving around gates like slalom skiers as well as going down the ski slopes!

Taking place in Maine, the Red Bull Frozen Rush is the event that changes the definition of off-road racing. There are not much competitors in this event, solely by the fact that not everyone is capable to compete! The 2016 edition of the Red Bull Frozen Rush was won by Bryce Menzies, who is the first driver that wins this event two times in a row!

At last, click here to visit the official website of this event!