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POLICEMAN Yells At This Man Helping Hurricane Harvey Victims! Says: “We Have Had Enough”!

pOLICEMAN Yells At This Man Helping Hurricane Harvey Victims 1

Check out this incredible video from Texas. Actually you can see how a POLICEMAN yells at this man helping Hurricane Harvey victims! He says: “We Have Had Enough”! What do you think about this policeman?

As we all know Hurricane Harvey has hit the coastal Texas and left thousands of people homeless and in great need of help. They lost their houses, vehicles, valuables, personal belongings and everything else they had in their lives. These guys with the Swamp buggies has been there for several days and helped many many people and they never had even a single complain about anything they did. Their vehicles are with 9 foot average height and 18 feet long, so they are perfect vehicles for this kind of conditions. They came down to Texas all the way from Illinois and they came because they have perfect vehicles for the job.

We have no idea why the police officer is so angry at the people who drive these swamp buggies. Was he having a bad day? Yelling at those heroes it does not seems right. The vehicle is not street legal but it is perfect for saving Hurricane Harvey victims from a disaster. The guys who drives those vehicles are using their money, time and other resources to help all the people in need.

Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below and tell us what do you think about this situation. Also, feel free to share this post with your friends on Facebook and other social media to spread the awareness.